Praise the Lord! Praise Him from whom all blessings flow. Even as our family spent the Good Friday and Easter Sunday weekend together in the hospital, we are thankful for the good time we had with family and friends who visited and prayed for David. It was good to catch up with some friends whom we have not seen for awhile. It was heartwarming to know they are there for us and even neighbours whom David were trying to reach out to also came to bless him. We were touched by the love and concern shown and were reminded that we are not alone nor forsaken.
Among the wonderful things are the opportunities David had in sharing with pre-believer friends the goodness of God and his testimony. He also shared the gospel in Mandarin with Wang - the patient suffering from Lukemia on the bed opposite his. Though Wang had not accepted the Lord Jesus as his personal Lord and Saviour yet, he is very open. Please do pray for Wong - for healing as well as to receive the greatest gift of all - salvation from our Lord Jesus.
David is much much better today compared to the last 2 days. Thanks for praying! He had stopped vomiting even though he needed another round of morphine when the pain score hit 6 last night around 4am. In fact, his appetite was so good he had been eating quite a fair bit. He enjoyed beef hor fun, assam fish head, curry puff etc. Really glad there were not much side effects after the 2 days of RT (radiotherapy)- undeniably an answered prayer! Praise the Lord! Thanks for praying!
Do continue to pray for no side effects as he is undergoing another 3 days of RT from Monday. More importantly pray that the RT will be so effective that the myeloma cells in the spine and hip bones area be completely wiped out while not causing unnecessary harm to the other surrounding good cells. The Doctors are considering giving him Velcade after the RT to treat any residual myeloma cells hiding in other undetected parts just in case. Please pray for wisdom for appropriate treatment.
Many thanks & God bless,
Whee Ling