His mercies are new every morning and great is His faithfulness!
During the doctors' round this morning at the hospiatl, I had the opportunity to ask Dr William Hwang about David's condition. I wanted to know if the presence of bone lesions and myeloma mass found in David's spine considered a relapse, an advancement of the disease or the result of the remnants of myeloma cells still in his body after the transplant. Dr William believes these are remnants which have become bigger and more aggressive. He had explained before that "in remission" does not mean there are no more myeloma cells but rather there is no evidence of the existence of these in the various tests done. Just like there may be terrorists around but no terrorists' activities. The pain David experienced is like the result of terrorists' activities. The good news is the bone marrow aspiration done showed the bone marrow has no myeloma cells, i.e. implying the donor cells managed to prevent any myeloma cells from existing. However, as the donor cells have not penetrated to every part of David's body, some myeloma cells managed to hide in some enclaves in the spine and hip bones. Therefore, other than treating these lesions by either surgery or radiotherapy, we need to add another agent (another drug likely Velcade) to help David's new immunity fight the myeloma cells.
After examining David, the doctors decided to give him 5day course of radiotherapy on his back and hips. So, today he started his first session of radiotherapy.
Even before the radiotherapy (RT), he was given a synthetic morphin which though relieved his pain, made him nauseated and weak. He threw up almost everything he ate or drank. The side effects of the RT may be pain, loss of appetite and vomiting. Please pray against these side effects of RT. Pray that David could eat well and be well nourished. Pray that the RT can effectively remove all myeloma cells and David will develop a new immunity that can fight all residual myeloma cells so that he be completely cured. With God, nothing is impossible!
Thank you in advance for praying and for believing with us His mighty deliverance.
God bless,
Whee Ling