Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Some concerns...


Please pray for David to recover from his cough and pray against possible GVHD (Graft Versus Host Disease). He has been coughing for almost a week and it was getting quite bad. Yesterday he had his medical appointment and was recommended to see a dental surgeon for consultation in case of oral GVHD. His liver enzymes were a little raised so need to monitor it more closely. Next appointment will be next week instead of fortnightly because of these concerns.

Last night he was experiencing much pain from the wound caused by the biopsy in his mouth - about 4 stiches. Thank God for Dr Melvin, our dear friend who came to check on him and brought some medical supplies, comfort and prayers as well.

Praise be to the Lord, our God who cares!

Thanks & God bless,
Whee Ling

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

A year now...


It has been a year since David was diagnosed to be suffering from multiple myeloma. As I look back, I could only see God's grace and mercy. Thanks to all your prayers,love and support and the Lord's divine healing touch upon David. Praise the wonderful name of Jesus!

Thanks for praying for David's removal of the CVC. It was done very gently by Dr Hwang and pain was minimal. The wound is healing very well and very soon he can be swimming with Josh. Do continue to pray that as the medication reduces, David's new immunity will have be built up. Pray for 100% successful engraftment of the donor's stem cells and 0% of myeloma cells.

I am encouraged by Josh's this week memory verse that says:
"When I pray, You answer me. You encouraged me by giving me the strength I need." Psalm 138:3

May the joy of the Lord be our strength!

God bless,
Whee Ling

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Day 100 - Movie and shopping Posted by Picasa

Day 100 - At the playground Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Day100 on 09Sep05(Fri)

Praise the Lord!!! God is so good and His love endures forever!

By God's grace and the prayers of His saints (all of you), our family was able to enjoy the simple things we had so often taken for granted in the past. Guess what we did on David's Day100? We went to the movies, playground and dined at the Cafe Cartel and went shopping at Tampines Mall. :)

Gratefully His,
Whee Ling

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Day 98!

Wow! 2 more days and it will be Day 100! - an important milestone after the transplant. Praise the Lord for His goodness and mercy! Praise Him for His faithfulness and gracious work done in our lives, esp David's. Very grateful the past 97 days have passed without complications, rejection or serious infections. His progress has been good and we are trusting God for complete recovery.

Now why is Day 100 so significant? The advice for transplant patient is to avoid crowded places and outside food for at least 100 days. Cautioned to keep oneself from food contamination and bacteria or viral infection because the new immunity system needs to be built up. David's white blood count and HB level are still not quite within the normal range. Well, guess we still have to be careful even after the 100 days. Another reason why this milestone is important is David's CVC line (the silicon tube inserted into his vein) will be removed soon. Though it may not be done exactly on 100th day itself, it will be very soon - then no more dressing and yes he can swim again. :)

Understand from David that because the CVC line was done through the tunneling method (if you recall, he had quite an ordeal during the insertion of the line), the removal requires cutting his flesh instead of just pulling the tube out through the hole (sounds really awful to me). Oh, please do pray that the process of removing the CVC will not be painful and the wound heals well and fast.

May you be blessed by the word of God and His promises!
"Your promise revives me, it comforts me in all my troubles." Psalm 119:50 (Joshua's book)
"My comfort in my suffering is this: Your promise preserves my life." Ps119:50 (NIV)

"This is my comfort in my affliction,For Your word has given me life." Ps119:50 (NKJ)

Rejoicing in Him!
Whee Ling