Monday, May 16, 2005

Details of BMT

David's Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) in the form of Stem Cell Infusion is to be done on 01Jun05. This day is the transplantation day, often referred to as "Day Zero". This is the day that marks a significant event in every transplant patient's life, a special occasion sort of like a second "birth", the first day of a new lease of life. For David's case, his second birth is the spirtual birth when he was "born again" into the kingdom of God when he received the gift of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. So, this would be his third "birth" after being "refined by fire in the furnace".

Before the actual transplant, the conditioning regimen begins. David will need to prepare for the transplant as follows:

1. start taking Oral Bactrium on 20May (Day -12)
2. Admission to SGH after family conference with Dr Hwang on 26May (Day -6)
3. CVC insertion at X-ray dept on 27May (Day -5) (CVC is a hollow silicon tube to be inserted into his vein to facilitate administration of treatment.)
4. High dose chemotherapy (IV Fludarabine) for 3 days from 28May to 30May with total body radiation (TBI 200 rad) on 01Jun (Day 0) before the transplant

The conditioning treatment is necessary to destroy the diseased cells in his body, to suppress his immune so as to reduce the risk that the donated marrow will be rejected and to make space for the transplanted cells.

In the meantime, he has been advised to build up his body with good nutrition and exercise to be ready for the BMT.

As for his sister, Angie, who will be the donor, she has to start taking 2 injections a day for 5 days starting from 27May to 31May. The injection of GCSF (Granulocyte colony stimulating factor) which stimulates recruitment of bone marrow stem cells into the circulating blood is necessary to facilitate collection of stem cells. The dates for stem cell collection are from 30May to 02Jun.

Please pray that the process will be as painless as possible for Angie and good amount and quality stem cells can be collected so the collection days may even be shorten.

Having a donor BMT is the only curative method in medical science today but along with it comes the risk of rejection and complications. I believe God can heal David miraculously simply by His word but if He has chosen this path that David has to take - the suffering, the waiting, the whole package - I totally surrender to His divine design. May the whole process bring glory to our Heavenly Father, our God, our Lord, our Maker and Provider, our all in all.

Thanks once again for praying. As a dear friend reminded me, the actual battle is in prayers, please press on in prayers with us.

Blessings and love,
Whee Ling