Sunday, April 24, 2005

No more myeloma cells in next BMA please!

Dr Hwang informed David that after having a discussion with a team of doctors concerning David's condition, another Bone Marrow Aspiration (BMA) will be done before the transplant. If there are still myeloma cells found in the bone marrow, even if reduced from 5% to 1 or 2%, the recommendation is to first do an autologus transplant (from David's own stem cells) and then a donor transplant.

Oh Lord, have mercy on David and spare him the need to undergo 2 transplants! Every transplant requires a full high dose chemo and radiation. Please I beseech thee to pray and intercede for David that our Lord will grant him complete healing and remove every myeloma cell in his body. May the next BMA (date not confirmed yet) shows 0% plasma cell in his bone marrow as an indicator that complete healing has taken place, in Jesus name I pray. Amen!

Thanks & God bless!
Whee Ling