Saturday, April 16, 2005

God hears and answers prayers

Greetings in the name of the Lord!

Yes, thanks be to God for the great improvement in David's condition - plasma cells down from 19% in Feb to 5%! Also, for making it possible for the stem cell transplant to take place so quickly and for giving not just 1 but 2 possible donors (David's sisters - Angie and Mary). My heartfelt thanks to both of them for their availability and sacrificial love.

I also want to thank all of you for your love,concern and support to our family. Thanks esp for praying for and with us. In addition to what David has shared below regarding the next step of his treatment, please also pray:

1. for the desired effect of the treatment in preparation for the stem cell transplant. The purpose of the chemotherapy is to wipe out all remaining myeloma cells, together with healthy cells and also to create a "bounce off" effect whereby the body would respond to the invasion of toxic drugs by producing more stem cells (according to my understanding - hope I am explaining it correclty in layman's term) which will be collected and stored in case required in future. So, simply pray that good amount of completely healthy stem cells may be collected.

2. against all side effects of the chemo treatment - i.e. possible loss of appepite, loss of hair, nausea, vomitting, fatigue, drowsiness...etc. In fact I believe, if the Lord is willing, He can spare David from all these.

3. protection from VRE - the superbug and all kinds of infections.

4. that his immunity will be miraculously high and the Lord to supernaturally build him up, both spiritually and physically

5. that the Lord will grant us favour to get the subsidy for the stem cell transplant treatment, without which may be around S$82k

6. that we continue to draw strength from the Lord and .... as the Holy Spirit leads. :)

Our GOD is ONE who hears and answers our prayers, Amen?!

Hope you don't mind receiving e-mail from me again (if you rather not - please let me know, its perfectly fine). I think our blog may not be very effective in providing a channel of communication regarding David's updates. Most of the time, we do not receive much comments to our posting but we do receive a few e-mail repsonses to our blog. Guess most people are still quite hesitant to publish their comments and accessing the blog may also pose a problem to some. I would also post this e-mail to the blog in case I may not have the e-mail addresses of some who faithfully check out our blog

Blessings and love in the wonderful name of JESUS,
Whee Ling