Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Joshua 24:14,25 - Our family year verse for 2008

"Now fear the Lord and serve Him with all faithfulness........but as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord."

My family and I attended the watchnight service at Bethesda -Bedok Tampines Church (BBTC), a daughter-church where I originally came from. We had been richly blessed in this church for the past one and a half years where Whee Ling, Josh and I had received much from the teaching of the word and the warm fellowship of the brethren. Our hearts are deeply thankful to the Elders, deacons and pastors of the Church for providing the care and covering during our time of recuperation of my illness.

I shared about where the Lord is leading us to start Shepherd's Point with the vision of reaching the unchurched and unsaved by pointing them to our Chief Shepherd. We were very blessed to have the Senior Pastor and the church release their blessings upon us for the new season of our lives ahead.....to serve Him in sickness or in health.

Dr. Peng Chung Mien, the Chairman of the Church Council shared the word tonight. The word of the Lord for my family was very clear tonight. We are to fear God and to serve Him with all faithfulness. Thus I have selected this two verses as the year verse for our family.

As we move on into the this year of service as a family with this simple desire to honor the Lord to find the lost and point them to the Lord, we seek your prayers for continuous good health for us and great favor of the Lord by establishing the work of our love and hands. (Psm 90:17)

Thank you for not stopping to pray for us,