Thursday, September 13, 2007

All down with flu

This recent bout of flu bug hit us quite badly. Josh recovered from the tonsillitis but was down with flu again a week later. We are thankful that Josh is better now as the fever is gone except for slight cough and blocked nose.

Whee Ling had been infected with the bug and was given two days MC to rest. Again, thank God she is better now after taking the antibiotics.

As for me, I have been on antibiotic coverage as prophylaxis but was down with very bad bout of flu with slight fever only. As I am immuno-compromised due to Multiple Myeloma, it took me several weeks to recover. I am quite ok now except for slight chesty cough. To me, this recent infection took a shorter time compared to the previous bout where it took several months. That, I see as His goodness because it means I am getter better. Dr. Wiiliam Hwang mentioned that he will do another round of checks to determine the status of my condition. I am trusting the Lord for His mighty hand to heal completely.

Thankyou for praying for us, especially those who SMS-ed after reading our blog.

Every goodness,