Wednesday, August 23, 2006

My Father's names

Dear all,
Many of you read our blog more regularly than we update it.We are always very thankful for God's provision of people like you who care enough to stand with us throughout this journey. There were times when I 'feel' so cut off from people since stepping down from the ministry. We are very much 'on our own' but 'hearing from some of you from sms-es or emails for updates reminds us that we are not alone.

Dealing with losses in life had not been an easy road, especially for me. Often I feel bad having to drag Whee Ling along when we left FCBC though I knew without a shadow of doubt that it was the Lord's leading. Then the next blow came - my illness.

I share this not in regret or pain. God always turns what the evil meant for evil into good, simply because He is a very good God! There are so many things I have learned about losing - it is in losing that I gain. The greatest gain is a deeper knowledge of my maker.

I was reading a book on the names of God in the Bible during my recent hospitalisation. I learned more about the primary and compound names of God which gave me more insight into the person of God and how He cares so much for us.

Psalm 23 had been a great passage that I have treasured so much since my BMT - bone marrow transplant in June 2005. If you remember I shared about how I was in agony and anguish due to the chemotherapy, radiotherapy and the stem-cell transplant. I was crying out for the presence of God and that's where this psalm assured me that I need not 'fear evil' because He was with me. Through this book that I am reading, I received new knowledge of the attributes of God in a new way that has drawn me closer to Him in a new way - that He is not just a powerful God, but one who pastors us lovingly like a shepherd though He is Jehovah, the great I AM!

To end, I will list the traits of God in Psalm 23 here to let you appreciate the 8 wonderful aspects of God.

Psalm 23:
v1 The Lord is my Shepherd -Jehovah Roi- my Pastor

v2 I will not lack anything -Jehovah Jireh-my Provision

v2 He makes me lie in green pastures
He leads me beside the still waters
-Jehovah Shalom- my Peace

v3 He restores my soul -Jehovah Rophe-
my Physician/healer

v3 He leads me in the path of righteousness
-Jehovah Tsidkenu- my Path to Righteousness

v4 I will fear no evil -Jehovah Nissi-
my Protection/banner

v5 You are with me -Jehovah Shammah-
my ever-Present God

v6 You anoint my head with oil -Jehovah Mekaddishkhem
my Purifier/Sanctifier

My MRI results are still not out. Nevertheless, I will fear no evil beacuse He is my the great Jehovah who is powerful and personal, He cares and will lead me to where he wants me to be. For I know that his plans are not to harm or hurt me but to prosper me.

Our God is a good God! He is not one who takes pleasures in evil....Psalm 5:4

May God be specially revealed in you this day!

Thank you for praying and staying with us in this journey!

BTW, please feel free to write and contribute to our blog - it is not about us really, but about the sovereign One who watches over us each day.


"It is the acknowledgment of our humanity and our frailness that places us in a position to have a personal encounter with the living God."