Praise the Lord for the good result of the MRI done during David's last hospitalization. The CT scan brain do not show any abnormality. His headache then could be due to the inflammatory sinus. His blood test result last Monday was also good with HB at 11 (normal range 14-18), PLT at 140 (140-440). Hallelujah! Priase the Lord!!! Thanks for your faithful prayers! May our faith increase as we witness His faithfulness.
David will likely be scheduled for the next round of Velcade in Sep. Before that, we are hoping to get away for a short break next week. But we have not made any plans yet! Sep will be a busy month - 1 week school holiday, David's velcade hospital stay and my trip to Jakarata for work in the 3rd week. Trusting God that somehow all things will fall in place. Please do continue to pray as the Holy Spirit leads us, pray with hope and rejoice with gladness.
Shalom peace of Christ be with you!
Whee Ling
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
My Father's names
Dear all,
Many of you read our blog more regularly than we update it.We are always very thankful for God's provision of people like you who care enough to stand with us throughout this journey. There were times when I 'feel' so cut off from people since stepping down from the ministry. We are very much 'on our own' but 'hearing from some of you from sms-es or emails for updates reminds us that we are not alone.
Dealing with losses in life had not been an easy road, especially for me. Often I feel bad having to drag Whee Ling along when we left FCBC though I knew without a shadow of doubt that it was the Lord's leading. Then the next blow came - my illness.
I share this not in regret or pain. God always turns what the evil meant for evil into good, simply because He is a very good God! There are so many things I have learned about losing - it is in losing that I gain. The greatest gain is a deeper knowledge of my maker.
I was reading a book on the names of God in the Bible during my recent hospitalisation. I learned more about the primary and compound names of God which gave me more insight into the person of God and how He cares so much for us.
Psalm 23 had been a great passage that I have treasured so much since my BMT - bone marrow transplant in June 2005. If you remember I shared about how I was in agony and anguish due to the chemotherapy, radiotherapy and the stem-cell transplant. I was crying out for the presence of God and that's where this psalm assured me that I need not 'fear evil' because He was with me. Through this book that I am reading, I received new knowledge of the attributes of God in a new way that has drawn me closer to Him in a new way - that He is not just a powerful God, but one who pastors us lovingly like a shepherd though He is Jehovah, the great I AM!
To end, I will list the traits of God in Psalm 23 here to let you appreciate the 8 wonderful aspects of God.
Psalm 23:
v1 The Lord is my Shepherd -Jehovah Roi- my Pastor
v2 I will not lack anything -Jehovah Jireh-my Provision
v2 He makes me lie in green pastures
He leads me beside the still waters
-Jehovah Shalom- my Peace
v3 He restores my soul -Jehovah Rophe-
my Physician/healer
v3 He leads me in the path of righteousness
-Jehovah Tsidkenu- my Path to Righteousness
v4 I will fear no evil -Jehovah Nissi-
my Protection/banner
v5 You are with me -Jehovah Shammah-
my ever-Present God
v6 You anoint my head with oil -Jehovah Mekaddishkhem
my Purifier/Sanctifier
My MRI results are still not out. Nevertheless, I will fear no evil beacuse He is my the great Jehovah who is powerful and personal, He cares and will lead me to where he wants me to be. For I know that his plans are not to harm or hurt me but to prosper me.
Our God is a good God! He is not one who takes pleasures in evil....Psalm 5:4
May God be specially revealed in you this day!
Thank you for praying and staying with us in this journey!
BTW, please feel free to write and contribute to our blog - it is not about us really, but about the sovereign One who watches over us each day.
"It is the acknowledgment of our humanity and our frailness that places us in a position to have a personal encounter with the living God."
Many of you read our blog more regularly than we update it.We are always very thankful for God's provision of people like you who care enough to stand with us throughout this journey. There were times when I 'feel' so cut off from people since stepping down from the ministry. We are very much 'on our own' but 'hearing from some of you from sms-es or emails for updates reminds us that we are not alone.
Dealing with losses in life had not been an easy road, especially for me. Often I feel bad having to drag Whee Ling along when we left FCBC though I knew without a shadow of doubt that it was the Lord's leading. Then the next blow came - my illness.
I share this not in regret or pain. God always turns what the evil meant for evil into good, simply because He is a very good God! There are so many things I have learned about losing - it is in losing that I gain. The greatest gain is a deeper knowledge of my maker.
I was reading a book on the names of God in the Bible during my recent hospitalisation. I learned more about the primary and compound names of God which gave me more insight into the person of God and how He cares so much for us.
Psalm 23 had been a great passage that I have treasured so much since my BMT - bone marrow transplant in June 2005. If you remember I shared about how I was in agony and anguish due to the chemotherapy, radiotherapy and the stem-cell transplant. I was crying out for the presence of God and that's where this psalm assured me that I need not 'fear evil' because He was with me. Through this book that I am reading, I received new knowledge of the attributes of God in a new way that has drawn me closer to Him in a new way - that He is not just a powerful God, but one who pastors us lovingly like a shepherd though He is Jehovah, the great I AM!
To end, I will list the traits of God in Psalm 23 here to let you appreciate the 8 wonderful aspects of God.
Psalm 23:
v1 The Lord is my Shepherd -Jehovah Roi- my Pastor
v2 I will not lack anything -Jehovah Jireh-my Provision
v2 He makes me lie in green pastures
He leads me beside the still waters
-Jehovah Shalom- my Peace
v3 He restores my soul -Jehovah Rophe-
my Physician/healer
v3 He leads me in the path of righteousness
-Jehovah Tsidkenu- my Path to Righteousness
v4 I will fear no evil -Jehovah Nissi-
my Protection/banner
v5 You are with me -Jehovah Shammah-
my ever-Present God
v6 You anoint my head with oil -Jehovah Mekaddishkhem
my Purifier/Sanctifier
My MRI results are still not out. Nevertheless, I will fear no evil beacuse He is my the great Jehovah who is powerful and personal, He cares and will lead me to where he wants me to be. For I know that his plans are not to harm or hurt me but to prosper me.
Our God is a good God! He is not one who takes pleasures in evil....Psalm 5:4
May God be specially revealed in you this day!
Thank you for praying and staying with us in this journey!
BTW, please feel free to write and contribute to our blog - it is not about us really, but about the sovereign One who watches over us each day.
"It is the acknowledgment of our humanity and our frailness that places us in a position to have a personal encounter with the living God."
Monday, August 21, 2006
Discharged last Sat
David had his MRI done last Sat morning and was discharged later in the afternoon. Praise the Lord!!!
Friday, August 18, 2006
Headache gone, MRI tomorrow
Praise the Lord! David's headache is completely gone but he cannot discharge yet because the MRI is scheduled tomorrow Sat. Instead of just waiting in the hospital, he is given home leave, i.e. he can be home in the daytime but must be back in the hospital before 10pm. So, my dear husband is going to spend time with our precious son Joshua later. Too bad I cannot join them as I am not on leave...
Appreciate your prayer that his MRI on sat will be on as scheduled, that the result will be good, not because it failed to pick up any anomalies but that God has restored him to perfect health so there is no problem at all. Please also pray for protection in his going out and coming in from this time forth and forever. Thanks once again - may sound repetitive but it's heartfelt.
I also want to thank Pastor Patrick - David's "big brother" who so kindly helped David in the hospital admission registration yesterday which took over an hour. He is one of the great blessings in David's life and also Joshua's favorite uncle.
Also, we want to thank Dr William who has often gone beyond the call of duty in taking care of David's needs and concerns. Thanks for the memo!
Praise the Lord for His love and provision through so many of His saints.
God bless,
Whee Ling
Appreciate your prayer that his MRI on sat will be on as scheduled, that the result will be good, not because it failed to pick up any anomalies but that God has restored him to perfect health so there is no problem at all. Please also pray for protection in his going out and coming in from this time forth and forever. Thanks once again - may sound repetitive but it's heartfelt.
I also want to thank Pastor Patrick - David's "big brother" who so kindly helped David in the hospital admission registration yesterday which took over an hour. He is one of the great blessings in David's life and also Joshua's favorite uncle.
Also, we want to thank Dr William who has often gone beyond the call of duty in taking care of David's needs and concerns. Thanks for the memo!
Praise the Lord for His love and provision through so many of His saints.
God bless,
Whee Ling
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Severe headache
"This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Yes, rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice." These bible verses reminded me to rejoice always regardless of circumstances. Can I rejoice today?
After more than 2 weeks of normalcy, David is back in the hospital today. Last night around 3am he suddenly had very bad headache. His blood pressure also shot up to 150,100. He vomited a little and was feeling giddy. Through it all, I was sleeping and did not even know he was suffering so much. I vaguely remembered asking him whether he was ok and muttered a prayer when he said he had headache. Little did I realise it was so serious and that his headache was so severe that his pain score was actually around 7 and the throbbing pain in his temple did not subside at all. I thought he merely needed more rest since he had not been sleeping much (approx 4 hours or so daily) due to the medication he was taking. Dr William admitted him for CT scan and MRI tomorrow morning. Please pray that the pain be gone and more importantly not just the outward symptoms but whatever root problem causing David's headache be gone in the name of Jesus. Pray for complete healing and restoration.
I have to trouble Pastor Adrian again to help send David to the hospital because I needed to run around trying to register Joshua for Pri 1. For those familiar with the Singapore Primary education P1 registration system, it was phase 2C supplement and I still could not secure Josh a place in any school. Our first choice is St Hilda's because we really wanted him to be in a Christian school whereby Christian values will be incalcated in him - that to us is more important that academic success. Though Christian values should be first instilled by us parents, we strongly feel it needed to be reinforced by the school environment as well. Moreover, his cousins (David's brother Roger's children) are there and it would be easier to make arrangement in times of need. Roger's family has been a great blessings in helping to take care of Joshua esp during David's frequent hospitalization. Really thank God for them! Please pray that somehow God will make a way to place Josh in a school of His choice.
Yes, I can rejoice because the God of hope can fill me with all joy and peace in believing, that I may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. I can rejoice because it is God who works in me both to will and to do according to His good pleasure (Philippians 2:13).
Am I worried? Yes, I was but Jesus said "Do not worry... who by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?" So, I shall not worry but trust and obey. Worry does not help but faithful prayer does. Thanks for your continual faithful prayers and intercession. May the Lord who is the author and perfector of our faith be glorified now and forevermore!
Rejoice in the Lord,
Whee Ling
After more than 2 weeks of normalcy, David is back in the hospital today. Last night around 3am he suddenly had very bad headache. His blood pressure also shot up to 150,100. He vomited a little and was feeling giddy. Through it all, I was sleeping and did not even know he was suffering so much. I vaguely remembered asking him whether he was ok and muttered a prayer when he said he had headache. Little did I realise it was so serious and that his headache was so severe that his pain score was actually around 7 and the throbbing pain in his temple did not subside at all. I thought he merely needed more rest since he had not been sleeping much (approx 4 hours or so daily) due to the medication he was taking. Dr William admitted him for CT scan and MRI tomorrow morning. Please pray that the pain be gone and more importantly not just the outward symptoms but whatever root problem causing David's headache be gone in the name of Jesus. Pray for complete healing and restoration.
I have to trouble Pastor Adrian again to help send David to the hospital because I needed to run around trying to register Joshua for Pri 1. For those familiar with the Singapore Primary education P1 registration system, it was phase 2C supplement and I still could not secure Josh a place in any school. Our first choice is St Hilda's because we really wanted him to be in a Christian school whereby Christian values will be incalcated in him - that to us is more important that academic success. Though Christian values should be first instilled by us parents, we strongly feel it needed to be reinforced by the school environment as well. Moreover, his cousins (David's brother Roger's children) are there and it would be easier to make arrangement in times of need. Roger's family has been a great blessings in helping to take care of Joshua esp during David's frequent hospitalization. Really thank God for them! Please pray that somehow God will make a way to place Josh in a school of His choice.
Yes, I can rejoice because the God of hope can fill me with all joy and peace in believing, that I may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. I can rejoice because it is God who works in me both to will and to do according to His good pleasure (Philippians 2:13).
Am I worried? Yes, I was but Jesus said "Do not worry... who by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?" So, I shall not worry but trust and obey. Worry does not help but faithful prayer does. Thanks for your continual faithful prayers and intercession. May the Lord who is the author and perfector of our faith be glorified now and forevermore!
Rejoice in the Lord,
Whee Ling
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Platelets not enough!
Dear all,
Thank God all my blood counts have been good. The platelets have also gone up from 90 to 94 today.But it is not good enough to have the next cycle of chemo/velcade next week.Good also - as I have been enjoying my morning devotions. I have been waking up early at 5.30am or there about just to pray.
Frankly, prayer is one of my weakest areas in my christian life.I can spend lots of time to read God's word, but I can be very distracted to do other things while trying to pray.That's why I decided to focus on praying alone for this time in the morning so that I can commune and intercede for the whole hour.
Taking this time to pray had been very enriching for me.Though I get tired by afternoon, the time spent praying early in the morning have quickened my spirit man to long and hunger after God, beholding Him in a new and fresh way to trust, believe and causing my faith to grow instead of just acquiring spiritual knowledge to puff up. What I find joyful is also learning to intercede for more people who are in need of the Lord's power in their lives - like the friends I got to know in the hospital with cancer; praying for my mother-in-law who has diabetes; for my sister's unsaved mother-in-law who is very ill with cancer. Standing with them in prayer as people like you stand with me gives me the strength to believe what God can and will do beyond what medical science can do for our God is far greater than science. Above all, to pray and see the deliverance of God in bringing salvation to the hearts of those I'm praying for daily.
It was a great joy to be praying with a friend of late for her grandma. She had cancer and was critically ill. In our desperate cry for her salvation, we prayed in the spirit for her beyond what we can pray in the natural and with understanding. Our God of mercy rescued her not only from physical death, but saved her from eternal condemnation as well. in her last few weeks before she was eventually called home, my friend experienced the goodness of the Lord in seeing how God in His mercy brought salvation to her grandma. We believe that happened because we interceded in the spirit when we thought there was nothing else we could do anymore.That's when the Holy Spirit took all over and prayed on our behalf according to His will.
Sometimes I do not know how else to pray when I see in the natural the condition of the people that I am interceding for. but knowing this truth about praying in the spirit to allow the Holy Spirit to take over sets my heart free to just pary and let God do the rest....including the salvation of those we're praying very hard for. He is in control and will not disappoint us. After all, He desoires that none shall, I am going to pray till it happens! till things happen! That includes my own health!
Be blessed,
Thank God all my blood counts have been good. The platelets have also gone up from 90 to 94 today.But it is not good enough to have the next cycle of chemo/velcade next week.Good also - as I have been enjoying my morning devotions. I have been waking up early at 5.30am or there about just to pray.
Frankly, prayer is one of my weakest areas in my christian life.I can spend lots of time to read God's word, but I can be very distracted to do other things while trying to pray.That's why I decided to focus on praying alone for this time in the morning so that I can commune and intercede for the whole hour.
Taking this time to pray had been very enriching for me.Though I get tired by afternoon, the time spent praying early in the morning have quickened my spirit man to long and hunger after God, beholding Him in a new and fresh way to trust, believe and causing my faith to grow instead of just acquiring spiritual knowledge to puff up. What I find joyful is also learning to intercede for more people who are in need of the Lord's power in their lives - like the friends I got to know in the hospital with cancer; praying for my mother-in-law who has diabetes; for my sister's unsaved mother-in-law who is very ill with cancer. Standing with them in prayer as people like you stand with me gives me the strength to believe what God can and will do beyond what medical science can do for our God is far greater than science. Above all, to pray and see the deliverance of God in bringing salvation to the hearts of those I'm praying for daily.
It was a great joy to be praying with a friend of late for her grandma. She had cancer and was critically ill. In our desperate cry for her salvation, we prayed in the spirit for her beyond what we can pray in the natural and with understanding. Our God of mercy rescued her not only from physical death, but saved her from eternal condemnation as well. in her last few weeks before she was eventually called home, my friend experienced the goodness of the Lord in seeing how God in His mercy brought salvation to her grandma. We believe that happened because we interceded in the spirit when we thought there was nothing else we could do anymore.That's when the Holy Spirit took all over and prayed on our behalf according to His will.
Sometimes I do not know how else to pray when I see in the natural the condition of the people that I am interceding for. but knowing this truth about praying in the spirit to allow the Holy Spirit to take over sets my heart free to just pary and let God do the rest....including the salvation of those we're praying very hard for. He is in control and will not disappoint us. After all, He desoires that none shall, I am going to pray till it happens! till things happen! That includes my own health!
Be blessed,
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
So far so good! Awaiting next round of Chemo.
Hi all,
It was a great relief to know that all the tests done to ascertain if there were any neurological defects in my brain were negative, except for a little nerve sensation deficiency in both toes probably due to the drugs. Dr William was concerned that I may have a seisure because I experienced bad cramps and it was unilateral on the right side of my body.
My platelet count last taken on Monday has gone up from 55 to 90.Priase God. As I will be going for the next 2 cycles of Velcade to consolidate the whole process of my treatment thus far, it is safer for the plateletes to be higher. Will be seeing Dr. Hwang again on Tuesday, 8 August 2006.will definitately keep you informed of the next round of chemo/velcade.
Thank God also for the successful operation to remove the prolapsed piles through a new surgical procedure.It was a great relief to me - it feels so light there! The wound is still quite raw and there's still some pain that's bearable, but the pain score can soar when I go to download! Will be seeing the colorectal surgeon, Dr. Wong Nan Yaw in SGH on Monday, 7 August for folow-up.
Thank god for His new measure of grace each day to go through all these - I really can't imagine how if not for His grace. Especially when things happen and come all together like a package. Josh is well now and it is always so good to see him so cheerful, joyful and even playful. What delights me most lately was when he asked me, "Daddy, what was the most wonderful thing for you today?". Immediately, my answer was,"That I had such a wonderful time with him". You should see the smile on his face! And he said,"me too!".
Come September will be exactly 2 years since I've been diagnosed and treated for Multiple Myeloma. My life has been reduced to nothing, except seeing the doctor every week since day one. Feeling empty is a great experience. There were moments I think I've been so reduced to nothing in this world that I felt so miserable. Yet at the same time, I realized that when I became nothing, the God I place my trust and confidence in this journey became everything. Thus, why do I still need to be in control? He is the Sovereign God who is in control.
Looking after Josh has been a great joy, though very tiring and trying at times! Yet it is one of the greatest priviledge God has given me as a man to look after his own son fulltime. My desire and constant prayer is that Jesus will use me to reveal the Heavenly Father's heart to josh as He did to those whom God has given him. (John 27: 2;6 9)
With this I'll end - God is calling me in a season of "feeding my own spirit". The spirit man in us needs to have fresh manna daily and to be filled with His Spirit daily. When the spirit man is spiritually undernourished, it is as good as dead. No life. I don't want stale bread too - it stinks! It must be fresh. I'm enjoying what God is doing - revealing His heart and bringing His promises to come to pass as Whee Ling, Josh and I continue to hold fast to His goodness in our lives.
Do drop us a note if God gives you a word for us.
He is a good God,
P/S: I really appreciate those of you who call to chat, even if it was just a while.
It was a great relief to know that all the tests done to ascertain if there were any neurological defects in my brain were negative, except for a little nerve sensation deficiency in both toes probably due to the drugs. Dr William was concerned that I may have a seisure because I experienced bad cramps and it was unilateral on the right side of my body.
My platelet count last taken on Monday has gone up from 55 to 90.Priase God. As I will be going for the next 2 cycles of Velcade to consolidate the whole process of my treatment thus far, it is safer for the plateletes to be higher. Will be seeing Dr. Hwang again on Tuesday, 8 August 2006.will definitately keep you informed of the next round of chemo/velcade.
Thank God also for the successful operation to remove the prolapsed piles through a new surgical procedure.It was a great relief to me - it feels so light there! The wound is still quite raw and there's still some pain that's bearable, but the pain score can soar when I go to download! Will be seeing the colorectal surgeon, Dr. Wong Nan Yaw in SGH on Monday, 7 August for folow-up.
Thank god for His new measure of grace each day to go through all these - I really can't imagine how if not for His grace. Especially when things happen and come all together like a package. Josh is well now and it is always so good to see him so cheerful, joyful and even playful. What delights me most lately was when he asked me, "Daddy, what was the most wonderful thing for you today?". Immediately, my answer was,"That I had such a wonderful time with him". You should see the smile on his face! And he said,"me too!".
Come September will be exactly 2 years since I've been diagnosed and treated for Multiple Myeloma. My life has been reduced to nothing, except seeing the doctor every week since day one. Feeling empty is a great experience. There were moments I think I've been so reduced to nothing in this world that I felt so miserable. Yet at the same time, I realized that when I became nothing, the God I place my trust and confidence in this journey became everything. Thus, why do I still need to be in control? He is the Sovereign God who is in control.
Looking after Josh has been a great joy, though very tiring and trying at times! Yet it is one of the greatest priviledge God has given me as a man to look after his own son fulltime. My desire and constant prayer is that Jesus will use me to reveal the Heavenly Father's heart to josh as He did to those whom God has given him. (John 27: 2;6 9)
With this I'll end - God is calling me in a season of "feeding my own spirit". The spirit man in us needs to have fresh manna daily and to be filled with His Spirit daily. When the spirit man is spiritually undernourished, it is as good as dead. No life. I don't want stale bread too - it stinks! It must be fresh. I'm enjoying what God is doing - revealing His heart and bringing His promises to come to pass as Whee Ling, Josh and I continue to hold fast to His goodness in our lives.
Do drop us a note if God gives you a word for us.
He is a good God,
P/S: I really appreciate those of you who call to chat, even if it was just a while.
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