Today, Whee Ling, Josh and I went to a birthday party. There, we met a family who had come to the saving knowledge of the Lord in the hospital. They found me rather familar when we first met. Though I don't remember seeing them at all, I was told that it felt as if they knew me very well. Later, they realized that they had "known me" through our book which was given them by my very own sister.
It was really a joy to know that our story had been a great blessing to them. This family has a little boy that had a huge tumour. Because of this, they found real hope in the way, the truth and the Life - Jesus! Now the tumour is gone! And the boy is recovering well!
This piece of news is so encouraging to us. One very prominent pastor who was a childhood friend of mine wrote an email to me last week saying, "Everything in life is a preparation for the next." How true! The ancient David went through many stages of pain and training before God used him powerfully as Israel's king. While I am deeply thankful to the Lord for using me and my family in this journey, my desire is to be to become a man who runs after the heart of God through all the past seasons of my life.
Let me end with this verse that reminds me that "God will not despise those who are broken and contrite in heart" (Psalm 51:17), but will esteem such people whose hearts are always bowed in brokenness and humility before Him.
All glory be unto Him!
P/S: Please pray for:
1. Joshua - Exams this whole week.
2. My monthly medical review with Dr.William Hwang tomorrow.