Saturday, February 02, 2008

A Year of New Beginnings!

Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!

As David shared, our family’s year verses and goal for 2008 is “Now fear the Lord and serve Him with all faithfulness........but as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." (Joshua 24:14,25)

2008 is a indeed "A year of new beginnings" for our family.

David started Shepherds’ Point Church (SPC).
On the very first Friday of the year 04Jan08, we had a cell meeting at our home. It was just 3 of us and the Holy Trinity. Despite hurting his wrist in the afternoon earlier that day, David strummed the guitar and led us in a time of worship and prayer.

06Jan08 (1st Sun) – We attended service at Corner Stone Church to hear Heidi Baker’s preach. She was a really anointed and humble servant of the Lord, we were very blessed by what she shared – the miracles, the radical love and sacrifices she made to understand the Kingdom of God, resulting in multitudes being blessed by her ministry. We were also very ministered to when we attended her the evening seminar at the Singapore Expo Center during the weekend. She is a great woman of faith. Her faith in the God of everything makes her trust God for every single thing in her life.....especially in looking after the thousands of poor people including orphans in her care. Her faith, taught us to move on in this next phase of our lives by faith..... a new phase of serving God with all faithfulness.

13Jan08 (2nd Sun) – 1st church service.
We will be having the weekly church services at home till David finds a suitable venue, so please pray with us for direction, favour and resources. Who will come? Since SPC is formed to reach out to the unsaved and unchurched while trusting the Lord to provide all necessary resources including key co-labourers whom the Lord would provide.

We really did not know who will turn up for service other than our family. David informed a few people whom he is reaching out for Christ’s salvation and/or restoration, we received no confirmation at all. We were trusting the Lord and just committed to Him to lead.

Regardless of the turnout, we would still worship and honor the Lord. I joked with David, he could preach to me if no one turns up. On Sat, a dear family whom we knew from our previous church and who have been praying for us, confirmed they were be coming to visit. So, it was our friend’s family of 3 (they have a lovely daughter who is P5) and us who were at the 1st church service of SPC.

The Lord visited us during worship and our dear sister released a word that the experience of His presence is an installment of things to come. We were very blessed by their encouragement and prayers. David shared the word – I wish we have the facility to record his message on Entering the Promised Land - A New Spirit."

20Jan08 (3rd Sun) – 2nd church service.
Another dear family (of 4, a couple with 2 very young children) gave us a surprise visit and together with our neighbor and her 2 children, we worshipped the Lord. Another friend of David (who is not attending any church) came later to join us during the message David was delivering. Our friend later shared with us that before they came, she woke up with a swollen eye and almost could not come. She suspected it could be a spiritual attack to prevent her family from coming, so despite the swell, they came anyway. Praise the Lord, when she came, the swell was barely visible but just some redness in the corner of her eye. Two other families with unsaved spouses wanted to come and eventually couldn’t make it. We knew the reasons why they were prevented from coming to the house of the Lord and all the more, we are pressing on because we know we are on the right track where many will join us to enter the promised land to have new beginnings in their lives.

Spiritual attacks are so real. It happened to us too. Joshua was suddenly down with fever the day before and when we brought him to the doctor, he was discovered to have tonsillitis. I was uptight about his health and fever and ended up upset with David for some reason. But praise the Lord, all was well on Sunday as persevered on to run the race God has set for us. We know nothing can stop the work of God but sometimes the going can be tough. We face oppositions of all kinds but we will forbear and focus not on the circumstances that weigh us down or wear us out. Instead, we will fix our eyes on Jesus till we win as we determine in our hearts to discipline ourselves to finish the race. We will not let discouragement and distractions in life deter and disqualify us from finishing well in life.

Therefore, dear beloved children of the Living God, we covet your prayers for us and our ministry! Run together with us as all of us press on to finish well in life.

God bless,
Whee Ling