Thursday, February 28, 2008

David is much better now

Praise the Lord! David is much better now. His fever has subsided, headache gone and able to eat more today. His x-ray result was good, showing no sign of any new fractures. Dr William also commented that the condition of mouth due to GVHD (Graft vs Host disease) has improved. It seemed that the recent illness is due to the flu bug he could have caught from Joshua. So thankful it is nothing serious.

During this hospital visit this afternoon, David has also undertaken a full myeloma test and arrangement was made for MRI next month. Please continue to pray that all be well for him.

Indeed, "He who began a good work in him will be faithful to complete it." Couldn't be more grateful and thankful to God Almighty for His healing grace and to all who have prayed and interceded for our family, especially for David's health.

May the Lord continue to reveal the fullness of His grace and mercy to all who seek Him. Shalom.

Thankfully His,
Whee Ling