Monday, December 10, 2007

Time to Enter the Promise Land - Shepherd's Point

Thanks to many of you for your emails to encourage me regarding where God is leading me. And for many of your affirmation in regard to God's call and destiny for my life in regard to my pastoral ministry. I feel deeply touched by all love and warmth apart from the strong endorsement.

At the end of last year, on New Year's eve to be specific, God spoke to me about entering the promise land as the Senior Pastor of BBTC spoke on the book of Joshua. For many months, I pondered upon the meaning of those words and thought God wanted me to stay put in the church. But as time passed, it dawned upon me that the Lord was leading me out as He directed me eyes and thoughts to 2 key things in Joshua 1. In short, God told me to GET READY and at the same time, He will GIVE ME all the RESOURCES needed.

With that word, I remembered the words He gave me in regard to the ministry in April 2006 when I was in SGH - That I will be a pastor that will point others to the Lord. Every man has a key anointing and call from the Lord for his ministry. The Lord said my main calling in my ministry is to be a shepherd that will care, guide and lead others to the cross of Jesus.

I have been seeking the Lord for almost a year now. Several weeks ago, the Lord through a message online spoke to me, "Have you crossed Jordon?" Then He said, "that it was time to cross Jordon".

2 weeks ago, the Lord spoke to Whee Ling through a message by Bishop Moses Tay in BBTC. She finally obeyed the word of the Lord to her to follow where the Lord is leading me and will support me in the ministry. That was a answer to my prayer as I had been praying for the Lord to confirm and show my spouse where He is leading me as I lead my family. How can I lead a church if I cannot lead my own family as Paul said. I struggled a lot in this as I had always believed this is one of the real tests of a true leader. I have seen too many great leaders who succeed in the ministry but failed to manage and lead their very own families. That's why the Sovereign Lord told me during one of my walks with him by the beach 2 years ago to spend these few years to disciple my very own son. One may win the whole world for Christ, but may lose his own son. I don't think that's sacrifice. To me, that's mere stupidity without the wisdom of God. I rather pour my all into my son and let God bring him to where He wants him to be to win the world for Jesus.

Today is the 9th of Dec. The anointing and presence of the Lord was very strong upon me. The Lord spoke to me during the time of worship in church that "it is time to march into the promised land by faith and not by what we see".

Through the reading of the scriptures in Psalm 100, the Holy Spirit said, "Know that the Lord is good" and through a very new and beautiful song entitled "In Christ Alone", He strengthened my heart to "Fear no more".

I stood in awe as I heard the still small voice of the Lord holding my heart with these tender words. And when finally the song "Jesus shall take the highest honour" was sung, it led me to turn my heart to the author of my life again in surrender and obedience as I bowed my heart to Him, giving Him all the glory and strength within me for once again, I remember my life is not my own.

The church is focusing on the 'goodness of God' this whole month. Today, Prof Freddy Boey started the ball rolling by sharing on Romans 8:28, a verse God gave us right from the beginning of our journey - that everything works for good to those 1. who love Him, 2. walk according to His will and not our own. In short, He reminded us that He is a good and Soveriegn God.

Indeed, He is. Many of you will get to read more of it in our book, "Talking the Walk" very soon as it is been sent for printing. Whee Ling, Josh and I would like to bless those of you who have been praying and standing with us. If you have an ailing friend or close one with cancer in particular, we would like to bless him/her with a copy to share God's goodness and bring His comfort through this book. Just email us at

Finally, my family and I will leave BBTC where we've been parking since March 2006. It is time to move on to build a point where Jesus is calling us to be shepherds of those still in the wilderness and in the world - the unchurched and the unsaved, where we need to point them to the cross, to the mountain top where every lost sheep needs to be lead to find the chief shepherd.

We covet your prayers as we take this transition by faith in obedience to the call of God upon our lives. The Lord has given this new ministry to us and it is called Shepherd's Point.

Seeking your blessings,