Thursday, January 25, 2007

Josh has gastric flu

Dear all,
thx for praying for Josh. He had fever for the past 3 days due to gastric flu. He had several times of bad diarrhoea in the middle of the night and this morning. Seen the doctor and has since stopped with one dose of medication today. He could not really eat much due to an ulcer in the mouth as well, but generally he is still active and cheerful.

Probably due to a little exhaustion, I am coughing a little as well. May have caught some bugs from those coughing int he clinic earlier today. No fever. Whee Ling is very exhausted too as she woke up several times to look after Josh last night.

Thank God for His hand upon us. Praise Him that He is our banner and shelter whenever we take refuge in Him. Again, we cannot imagine the amount of stress and pain to see our own child suffer whenever he is down with illness.

A new found friend I got to know in the school where Josh is studying has a son of Joshua's age who has Leukaemia. I feel so much for him and his wife. Though I had been through the valley of the shadow of death, I think it is even more painful for a parent to see his very own go through the dark valley on the shadow of death. There are many who are sick that I pray for daily now - this family is certainly one that I bring before the throne of grace each day.

Whenever Josh gets sick, I worry a lot. He has fallen sick three times since end DEcember till now!!! Many a times I get on my knees to beg God to spare him from any serious illness and at every mealtime, we never fail to ask God for good health ALL the days of life....we can pray and pray and sometimes things still do not change for the better, but we just keep praising and praising as we can take comfort in knowing and trusting that He will never forsake, forget and fail us like He's done for us all along.

For that, we take great comfort and courage - because God had and will never disappoint us or let us down, though there are always hard questions in our minds that can only be answered when Jesus comes in His glory. We hurt when in pain, but we take heart knowing that we've seen His goodness in the land of the living !

Please pray for good health for all of us.

david;whee ling and josh.