Tuesday, January 09, 2007

One week gone!

Josh & Benjamin, Pri 2 Buddy.
Hi everyone,

How time flies! It's been more than a week since we've all entered the new year!

Entering the new year was specially meaningful to me personally. I was at the watchnight service in church with Whee Ling and Josh. Minutes before we were ushered into the new year,my heart was full of thankgiving and praise to God - for so many things in 2006, even though i was admitted to SGH every month except for the month of october. One of the most wonderful news was when Dr. William Hwang, my transplant physician and God-given doctor told us in October that I was in complete remisision and the last chemotherapy/Velcade was cancelled. Most of all, I was thankful that God allowed me to enter into the new year - it meant so much to me to be given every single breadth! I can't help but echo the very words of the psalmist again in Psalm 146:2, "As long as I have breadth, I will praise the Lord."

Yes, as long as i live, I will testify of the Lord's goodness in our lives as a family!

Few days ago, a friend shared about his old school-mate who is currently having a terminal cancer of the colon. the doctors had done all they could. This man used to be very fervent in the Lord but through the years, had strayed away. My friend and I visited him in his home last week and ministered to him. What moved me most was to know and see him rejoicing and worshipping the Lord Jesus even though he was at this stage of his life. He had not only returned to God, he was rejoicing in the Lord, praising the maker of His life. I told 'Chek' that God is very pleased to see him returning and raising the name of the Lord high. And I was reminded that it is not how well we start in life that's important, but how well we end. Please pray for Chek and his family.

This week had been good but tough. By God's grace, Josh was divinely transfered into St Hilda's Primary School. He is adjusting fairly well though the hours are longer now. He is in the afternoon session from 12.30pm till 6.30pm. Josh is blssed with a wonderful buddy, Benjamin, a senior in Primary 2 asigned to help newcomers adjust. We also want to thank "God that he is well now as he was down with fever twice over the last two weeks. Whee Ling (was ill too) and I were rather anxious and concerned but once again, the Lord saw us through, causing us to depend on Him everyday for protection over our health in particular.

Thank you for continuing to pray for us as a family. Although this blog was set up primarily to pray for my illness, we've decided to use it to share about the works of God in our lives as a family. This blog is about Him! About how good and great He is in our lives!

And we hope and pray that your heart may be encouraged and edified each time you read what our Heavenly Father is doing in our home.

God bless you,


"The Lord is with you when you are with Him."

2 Chronicles 15:2