Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Some concerns...


Please pray for David to recover from his cough and pray against possible GVHD (Graft Versus Host Disease). He has been coughing for almost a week and it was getting quite bad. Yesterday he had his medical appointment and was recommended to see a dental surgeon for consultation in case of oral GVHD. His liver enzymes were a little raised so need to monitor it more closely. Next appointment will be next week instead of fortnightly because of these concerns.

Last night he was experiencing much pain from the wound caused by the biopsy in his mouth - about 4 stiches. Thank God for Dr Melvin, our dear friend who came to check on him and brought some medical supplies, comfort and prayers as well.

Praise be to the Lord, our God who cares!

Thanks & God bless,
Whee Ling