Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sharing at Tecman

Dear all,
Thank you all for praying for me. I had a wonderful time. Whenever there is an open ddor for us to share, Whee Ling and I try to live our lives to declare His goodness and greatness.

Two friends that I have not met in a long time came to hear me knowing that I would be there. I am thankful for such support from friends even though we've not met for so long. It makes me feel so blessed to know that there are friends everywhere standing with us, not just in prayer but also physical support such as this. That's the goodness of God in our lives. And it makes our lives so purposeful, not only as we continue to place our confidence in the Shepherd of our lives for complete healing, but also as we proclaim the name of our great Shepherd everywhere to everybody whenever there is an opportunity.

Do remember to pray for Whee Ling as she shares her own journey at Dawn Community Church from a Caregiver's perspective.
