Sunday, March 11, 2007

Ulcers and pain

David's GVHD in his mouth is not getting better, in fact, it seems to be getting worse... he is even having ulcers on his tongue now. Eating has become increasingly more painful. Dr William had prescribed more steriods and even thaildomide again. It worries and saddens me that David's medication has to be increased again. David, as always, does not complain much. I know he is silently enduring it all.

Today, he attended a dear friend's funeral. A friend whom he had gotten to know during his hospital stay. A Christian brother who also suffered from multiple myeloma, who was much older in age (I think in his 60s), had an autologus transplant (transplant using his own stem cells) and had Velcade treatement together with David last year. He suffered a relapse late last year and finally went home with the Lord last Friday. David shared about how he and this brother, together with another friend, enjoyed fellowship in the hospital - the "good old times" of encourgaing one another about God's faithfulness, empathize with one another over the discomfort, side effects of the drugs, talking about good food in Singapore, having yam cake late at night for supper while in the hospital...etc. He testified about how this Christian brother had finished well. I know the loss of this dear friend who had shared his suffering like none of us had has an effect on him I could not fully comprehend. But I know the Lord could and would comfort him and also the bereaved family. I could only pray and hope in the Lord and take comfort in the promise that the Lord's grace is sufficient for us.

I believe praying is the least and yet the most powerful thing we can do. Please join me to pray for:
1. David to be healed of the GVHD in his mouth, that his mouth and tongue be totally free of painful ulcers and blisters and be in perfect healthy condition. That David need not suffer so much and so long but be restored completely.
2. David will be joining the church BBTC for the leader's retreat in Batam this Thu to Sat. Please pray for journey mercy and a wonderful and fruitful time with the Lord and His people. Josh will be joining him because I will be away in Taipei for work from Tue to Sat. Please pray for us too.
3. David's spirit to be lifted up and his focus be on the Lord's promises so that he continues to find strength and joy

I am so glad to be reminded of Psalm 121 this morning during Sunday service. Yes, our help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth! Therefore, nothing is too difficult for Him, nothing is impossible for Him. In Him, we place our trust. May the name of Jesus always be exalted!

Thanks & God bless,
Whee Ling