Wednesday, November 29, 2006

How big is your God?

Sometimes I feel so burdened with so many needs in our lives, so many loved ones need healing, so many things and outcome beyond our control, so much concern and pressure... how about you?

During one of the recent family prayer meetings whereby needs were shared and prayed over, I felt God could and wanted to do more for us. Even after the meeting, I was moved with the Lord's compassion and reqested to pray for one of Joshua's auntie whom I felt the Lord wanted to heal and assure her of His love. BTW, I am not ususally like that. The Lord's presence was with us and we wept and prayed.

That night I asked Joshua during our bible reading time together, in a rather serious tone: "Joshua, how big is your God?" I gazed into his eyes anticipating an answer. He smile and said without hesitation: "Very big." I acknowledged that and said with an even more serious solemn tone: "You know, my God is very very very big." and thinking "so big that nothing is impossible for Him". It was as if I was telling myself more than telling him. Whereupon he looked at me and gave me a "I know what you are getting at" smile and replied with a laugh: "Ya, we have the same God Mom!"

With the built up faith, we prayed for those whom the Lord has laid upon our hearts who need healing that week, esp for this sister. Glad to share that she need not go for any surgery. Praise the Lord!!!

Why am I sharing this now? Guess I needed the reminder to pray in faith and trust the Lord as I bring before Him the following needs/burdens:
1. My mother-in-law's health. She has high blood pressure and is under medication for a long time but recently her pressure was very high, according to her it was due to the fever she had a few days ago.
2. My mother who is suffering from type 2 diabetes, was recently found to have arthritis - her knee hurt so badly she was limping. Her blood sugar level has been high at 11 for a while.
3. My sister has a cyst in her womb and may require surgery.
4. Joshua's P1 school
5. David's slightly blurred vision (he assures me it is getting better) and ulcers
6. A friend's pregnancy to be stable and baby to grow well

Often my problem may not be big but it casts a shadow that is much much bigger than it really is. In the perspective of Christ our Lord, the same problem may even be liken to grasshoppers in the sight of God. So, I am going to take heart for we have a God who is really really big! Blessed be His holy name!

He is able to heal and deliver!
With thanksgiving,
Whee Ling