Tuesday, February 22, 2005

When the result was not as expected...

I was a little disappointed when I heard Dr Hwang said that there were still 19% plasma cells in David's bone marrow, down from 35% from the very first bone marrow test. Had actually hoped the myeloma cells be completely gone. David's immunity was also low and was given a booster in anticipation of the stronger chemo drugs prescibed this round. He would have to go for another 2 cycles of chemotherapy to further reduce the aggressive myeloma cells to a desired level before the stem cell transplant. His Hb level was 12.2 down from 13.2 before.

Even though the result was not as expected, there are much to be thankful for. I thank God for His grace is sufficient for us. Things could have gotten a lot worse. I also thank God for reminding me that the battle is far from over. I wish I was more consistent and fervant in warfare prayers by weilding the sword of the spirit - the word of God to tear down the works of the evil one.

I am thankful for the many who are still praying for and with us. Was told by a friend that a church in England was also praying for David. The prayers of a righteous man accomplish much. When we come to the Father with the righteousness of our Lord Jesus, our prayers would accomplish much. Therefore, do continue to pray as the Lord burdens our hearts.

As David has been given some cytotoxic drugs to battle the myeloma cells, these drugs are harmful to the body as they attack the good cells too. Please pray against side effects such as nausea and vomitting (so far thank God he is ok), also against hiccups and hair loss. Pray that the Lord would strengthen him and improve his immunity system. Also for God's protection from infections and illnesses, including dengue fever. Pray for spiritual covering and physical restoration.

"Lord, may your Glory be revealed through any cirucmstance you may use in our lives, in Jesus name. Amen!"

In His redeeming grace,
Whee Ling