Monday, December 27, 2004

Merry Christmas/Next cycle on 3 Jan 2005

Dear All,

I trust that you had a very blessed and Christ-filled Christmas!

3 years ago, I started writting down blessings that I received each day in a notebook. Though I do not write everyday, I had written been fairly consistent in jotting down each blessing no matter how small it may be. By the end of each year, I would have so many things to thank God for. This year, one of the things I am thankful for is the experience of your genuine love and caring friendship in so many practical ways. Your gift of friendship is one of the most important things in my life. Thank you!

I also want to take this opportunity to bless you to enter 2005 with a greater desire into the deep things of God and a deeper hunger for His presence in your life.

To keep you posted, my next chemo and check up with Dr.William Hwang in SGH will be on 3 Jan 2005. This will be the 6th cycle and a bone marrow investigation will be done to see if there is any remission.

Please pray for me as the hiccups and experienced this last round was really terrible and extremely uncomfortable. It came every 3-4 seconds and lasted for 5 days. Usually it comes after the steriods are taken but becomes progressively worse after the 3 day of consumption. Also, the ache on my right thigh comes now and then due the bone disease. But thank God, there is no more pain like the one experienced upon my discharge from TTSHospital in Sept. I believe the Lord has healed the fractures completely. But, as much as I am focused on the Lord, there are times, especially in the night, when I feel weary and down, struggling to find strength to pull through all these physically. Therefore, I covet your prayers and will continue to "take heart and be strong" as I "wait upon the Lord". (Psm 27:13-14)

Struggling with hope in Jesus,

have a blessed new year,